Follow for free on my Patreon.
I post updates and new music every few days.
Never a great time to rebuild the website
Please bare with me whilst I burn the place down and put it back probably just as it was.
All my updates for free over on my Patreon
My Patreon is here and I post regular updates to everyone that follows me, including the free tier. Please sign up and consider becoming a Patron over there Thank you, S.
'Song For Fee' (08/12/23 Gelegenheiten, Berlin)
Thoughts and music from last Friday’s Berlin show here.
Last concerts of 2023 into 2024
Just a handful of concerts left this year, including shows in Cologne, Essen, Berlin, Dresden and finally Stuttgart and Freiburg. Still a couple of free dates left for simple shows - if you can help or offer something please drop me an email here.
I start 2024 with a little show in Hamburg and then 2 free nights for anywhere between there and Aachen…
It goes on, let’s see.
Thanks all
Listen to: 'While I Was Sleeping' (28/10/23 Zucker, Darmstadt)
Click through to listen to a song from my concert on Saturday.
October shows
My October plans:
10/10/23 House Concert, Hamburg
11/10/23 House Concert, Hamburg
12/10/23 Tonfink, Lübeck
13/10/23 Prinz Willy, Kiel
14/10/23 Café Feuerwache, Hamburg
15/10/23 Deichdiele, Hamburg
16/10/23 Lítil, Hamburg
18/10/23 Hole Of Fame, Dresden
19/10/23 Lila Drache, Halle
20/10/23 FREE
27/10/23 FREE
28/10/23 Zucker, Darmstadt
Please contact me for any details about any of these - you are all most welcome.
'Gelegenheiten' Berlin show cancelled - looking for replacement.
Apparently my Berlin show, fixed back in January and reconfirmed by the venue last week has to be cancelled. I have been told another event is planned for my concert date and they won't honour the original plan with me.
I've played there 7 times and always had a lovely time there. The last was back in 2019 and full and fun so I was obviously happy to be going back. Now I am looking for another Berlin show as my travel is fixed.
Can anyone in town help with a simple show somewhere? A house concert perhaps? Or can simply offer to host me for a night or two?
Would be for the 05.10.23 and / or 06.10.23
Otherwise I skip Berlin for now and try for something some other time.
'Waldheim' - 12 songs from a recent radio broadcast is out now
Number 37 in The Great Park's monthly subscription releases is out now. ‘Waldheim’ is twelve songs from a live radio broadcast in the garden of the Waldheim Wangen restaurant in the hills outside Stuttgart.
Available as a hand stamped CD-r edition with hand typed and personalised sleeves, linear notes and full quality digital download.
The Bandcamp digital download includes photos from the concert and a pdf with linear notes.
Physical edition available throughout September, digital anytime.
€10 digital / €15 physical including postage anywhere at Bandcamp or Patreon.