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I post updates and new music every few days.
Concert in Aachen this Saturday
I am playing my first concert of 2022 and the first for me since last November. The longest break I've had between shows since 2008.
The event is at Überhaupt and will be organised with 3G rules, or as they write:
3G-Regel: Bitte Immunisierungsnachweis oder aktuellen Corona-Test (PCR < 48 Std., Schnelltest < 24 Std.) einschließlich Ausweis am Eingang vorzeigen.
I appreciate asking people to be in rooms with others might not be the most considerate thing to do but this date has been moved already and I can't imagine things getting much better soon. If you can make it and feel comfortable enough please join me but otherwise let's hope for more opportunities later in the year.
More details behind the links below and if you are a subscriber to my Patron or Bandcamp let me know and you get on the guest list.
Überhaupt website here
Überhaupt Facebook event here
Thanks all,