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September 2020 - songs and set lists from the concerts
A quick note about this entry - I spent an hour or two and wrote a long post here but somehow closed the browser without saving so lost it all. Right now I’m posting the set lists for those that asked and some choice recordings from each night that I have and will follow with more words about each night and more photos, videos, etc when I get the energy to write it all out again. Bah.
Anyway, I just came back from some shows and they went like this:
Lindwurm, Hannover 03/09/20
i was in the north before the fall
the royal canal
down down down
lover o lover
barbara allen (traditional)
super good advice
fold culinary
song for a coalman
carrion call
so long song
we could have, we should have, we didn’t
we swam a little song
Prinz Willy, Kiel 04/09/20
when i was away
the royal canal
down down down
lover o lover
a carrion call
fold culinary
i do wrong
barbara allen (traditional)
song for a coalman
song for fee
super good advice
from the willows by the weir
so long song
we swam a little song
Kulturschlachterei, Rendsburg 05/09/20
when i was away
the royal canal
down down down
i was in the north before the fall
lover o lover
pure black coal
fold culinary
song for a coalman
make each other anew
super good advice
barbara allen (traditional)
polly vaughan (traditional)
so long song
Garden Concert, Rostock 06/09/20
when i was away
the royal canal
down down down
i do wrong
pure black coal
fold culinary
lover o lover
make each other anew
it don’t stop the bleeding
super good advice
so long song
when i was single (traditional)
we swam a little song
Rostock, photo by https://www.instagram.com/alex_ottoxo
Alice, Copenhagen 07/09/20
it don’t stop the bleeding
the royal canal
down down down
i do wrong
pure black coal
fold culinary
lover o lover
when i was away
make each other anew
super good advice
polly vaughan (traditional)
so long song
we swam a little song
Copenhagen, photo by https://www.instagram.com/__leilu___
Tonfink, Lübeck 08/09/20
song for fee
the royal canal
down down down
lover o lover
delia (song by blind willie mctell)
when i was away
i do wrong
winter (song by the diamond family archive)
we could have, we should have, we didn’t
super good advice
so long song
fold culinary
we swam a little song
Wohlerspark, Hamburg 11/09/20
when i was away
the royal canal
down down down
lover o lover
i do wrong
pure black coal
fold culinary
we could have, we should have, we didn’t
winter (song by the diamond family archive)
super good advice
paper birds
so long song
song for fee
Hamburg, photo by https://www.instagram.com/janina.rrr
Fotostudio Gezett, Berlin 12/09/20
when i was away
the royal canal
down down down
i do wrong
pure black coal
fold culinary
lover o lover
polly vaughan (traditional)
we could have, we should have, we didn’t
super good advice
pretty peggy-o (traditional)
so long song
Berlin, photo by https://www.instagram.com/gerald.zoerner
'Winter' from last night
Video filmed by Mina Reischer last night of the The Diamond Family Archive song ‘Winter’ in the beautiful Bernsteinzimmer room in Nürnberg.
Thanks to all who made it along and to Stefan Gnad for the newspaper article yesterday morning.
Have a lovely weekend,
Free download - 07/12/19 Rostock
Here’s a quick reminder in case anyone has missed it - the recording of my recent concert up in Rostock in the north of Germany a couple of weeks ago is available as a free download on my Bandcamp page right here.
The concert was a pleasure to play - was very quiet and dark in there and I kept mostly to the heavy stuff, including a cover of ‘Winter’ by The Diamond Family Archive and one or two things I rarely feel like going through.
Thanks to Marv and everyone at the JAZ for the invitation and the hospitality.
More music coming from me after this in between week we have now. Hope you’re all doing well.
'Winter' by The Diamond Family Archive (free download)
At Prinz Willy
Winter is indeed upon most of us and yesterday I slipped and sloshed through the first snow I’ve seen fall. I’m home for a few days and reflecting and listening on what I’ve been making the last weeks. To start with, here’s a couple of things around a song by The Diamond Family Archive that I’ve been playing in the recent concerts.
At Prinz Willy’s wonderful corner bar in Kiel I played a rather quieter concert that was very enjoyable. Held the songs close and tried not to let things get too loud or unhinged. By the end of the night I was fit to burst and sure enough lashed out a bit at some innocent members of the nice audience. Apologies and whiskies went some way to fixing things, as is often the case.
Anyway, here’s from earlier in the set - ‘Winter’ by The Diamond Family Archive played spontaneously and a little wobbly true enough.
And here’s Laurence’s original, spectral version to listen and download:
Years ago in Brighton we even played it together:
I urge you all to go and listen to more music by this band, always so magic.
The Diamond Family Archive on Bandcamp
The Diamond Family Archive on Spotify
Have a nice weekend, speak soon
I believe this is @marshasdad_outside, whose point of view you can see here.